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Krista A. Parr

Online Bone Broth Workshop May 4 @ 7:45pm

"In preparing homemade broths, you participate in the tradition of kitchen wisdom that has nourished the bodies and satisfied the bellies of generations upon generations of healthy people worldwide. It’s a simple, but a powerful practice.” - Jennifer McGruther

Bone broth is one of the most inexpensive ways to get nutrient-dense foods into your diet, and it is supportive of so many different conditions and issues including pregnancy, postpartum healing, injury recovery, surgery recovery, osteoarthritis, digestive issues, and prematurely aging skin to name just a few!

Did you know that ever since humans discovered fire, we’ve been simmering animal bones in water, in pretty much every country on the planet?

Modern research confirms what traditional wisdom already knew: bone broth is very very nourishing! Certain components of bone broth aren’t found in many other foods, and are essential for healing gut & digestive issues, rebuilding & rejuvenating skin, nails & hair, and supporting joint pain & injuries.

Join me at this online seminar where I will talk about the many healing benefits of bone broth, the difference between bone broth & meat stock and special considerations for certain health conditions, and of course the many different methods you can use to make your own delicious, nourishing broth at home. Bring your questions and let's reclaim this ancestral, nourishing food!

When: Thursday May 4 at 7:45pm PST

Where: Online on zoom. Recording will be emailed to all participants after the workshop.

Cost: $10

Register: Here

Questions? Email me anytime at

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Looking forward to this class! My kids are picky eaters so I’m also looking for a protein rich broth to aid in their diet

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